
0006 Auth Migration

AuthorsAndreas Thomas, James Perkins

Migrate everything to WorkOS, despite their bad APIs..


We need to migrate our users and organisations from Clerk to WorkOS.

Detailed design

In order to apply the changes safely and, more importantly, roll back in case we need to, we'll need to do it in 3 steps. Each step should be its own PR, so we can roll back safely.

1. Migrate Data

  1. Create a new non-nullable varchar column in our workspaces table with default "".
  2. Migrate all users from Clerk to WorkOS. They will receive a new user_id, which is fine.
  3. Migrate all organisations and personal workspaces from Clerk to WorkOS. These will also have a new org_id, which we will store in the workspaces.organisation_id column.

2. Switch Reads

(Meg's PR)

We deploy the dashboard changes to production, which will now receive an orgId from the WorkOS SDK and change our db queries to match against the organisation_id field, instead of tenant_id. If we really need to, we can roll this back at any time and use clerk again. The only problem here is that users that were created after the switch, would not be in Clerk.

3. Remove old columns

After we're happy with everything and it's been running smoothly for a few weeks, we can remove the old tenant_id column.

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